Draft January


Draft Minutes of the of the Parish Council held

 Thursday 11th January 202, 19.00pm in the Village Hall

Cllr L Underhill Chairperson, Cllr A Whitworth Vice Chair, Cllr K Vardy, Cllr M Hoodless, Cllr M Robinson & C Hatch (Clerk)

  1. Public Forum (15 minutes maximum. None.
  1. Apologies for Absence. Received from Councillors Robinson and Vardy.
  1. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Local Government Act. – personal or prejudicial interest in any items for discussion. None.
  1. Draft Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 9th November 2023 to be approved as the Minutes. Having been previously circulated, the Minutes were approved unanimously.
  1. Matters Arising. Cllr Underhill updated the Councillors re the potential refurbishment of the village monument (Cross). She provided a photo plan of a more contemporary well/planter that would sit on the site of the original well. This was discussed in principle together with the installation of a Dutch drain around the base of the cross enabling water to run away thus preventing further damage. It was agreed to investigate further and continue the discussion at the next meeting.

The Clerk confirmed speaking with the Clerk at Corby Glen regarding future road closures due to the building work in the area. The Clerk at Corby Glen will notify Swinstead PC of future road closures so they can be advertised on the Swinstead Facebook page.

  1. Chairmans Report.

5.1 County & District Councillor’s. LCC Cllr Vernon advised the PC of a funding seminar being held to support Parish Councils with funding/grants for potential projects. The Clerk will attend on

the 18 of January.

5.2 Councillors Reports. Cllr Underhill provided a brief report, see below:

Community Orchard:   We had an overwhelming response from villagers to donate the cost of replacement fruit trees in the Jubilee Orchard.  The trees have been ordered but the ground is far too wet for growers to dig them up at the moment.

Remembrance Day:  It was nice to see the wreath, bought by the parish Council on behalf of the village, laid on the war memorial inside the church during the Remembrance Day service on November 12th.

Village Xmas Tree:  The tree looked very festive and attractive on the Green with its baubles, lights and deer.  Many thanks to the Clerk for ordering, installing, decorating, and dismantling it.


  1. Highways. New Estate flooding.

The Clerk confirmed he has been in touch with Highways again regarding the flooding/drain problem in New Estate. See below Highways response.

We're sending you this message to let you know that we've assessed the drainage issue and we have identified this location for a larger scale improvement scheme. At this stage we are unable

to give specific dates for this or definitely commit to the scheme because we prioritise these schemes based on issues with the rest of the County network and the resources available to us

each year, but we hope to be able to solve the problem as soon as resources permit. Thank you for reporting this matter.


  • Defibrillator. Cllr Whitworth confirmed the defibrillator is in full working order.

Village Hall. Nothing to report.

  1. Parish Clerk report.
    1. Position at Bank. The Clerk provided the PC accounts to date, these were accepted unanimously.
    2. Cheques to be signed. Clerks’ salary+ Expenses £596.12, (this includes £185 for the village Xmas Tree, £79.20 Replacement Defibrillator Pads & £9.00 New Cable ties for village poppies.). Parish litter picker £463.00. These were agreed and signed.
    3. Village Hall Accounts 2022/23. The Clerk in his capacity as Treasurer of the Village Hall presented the VH accounts for 2022/23. The Councillors thanked Mr Hatch and commended the VH Committee on their tireless work and commitment to the village.
    4. Precept 2024/25. The Clerk presented a budget for the anticipated spend to year end. Based on this the Councillors agreed the precept for 2024/25 should remain the same as previous six years @ £3.363.00.
  1. Planning:
    1. S23/1474, The Parochial Parish Council of St Mary, Swinstead, Installation of new metal roof covering (following theft of lead covering), St Mary's Church Creeton Road Swinstead Lincolnshire NG33 4PF. (Permission Granted by SKDC Planning Office).
  1. Correspondence: A1 Steel. A quote was received by the Clerk for a new galvanised post which could be used to relocate the speed sign in Creeton Road. Cllr Vernon suggested she speak with Highways, recommending a site visit, enabling them to comment on the viability of the intended relocation. Cllr Vernon to confirm with the Clerk.
  1.  AOB Cllr Hoodless told the PC, she had been approached by residents concerned about the condition of the grass verges at the entrance to the village. Cllr Vernon said she will speak with SKDC and ask for Swinstead to be added to the Big Clean list, they will then send a team to tidy and repair grass verges and various other areas that need attention.

Date of next meeting

     March 14th, 2024, 7.00pm at Swinstead Village Hall

