Draft Minutes of The Annual Meeting of Swinstead Parish Council held on Thursday 9th May 2024 in the Village Hall.

Cllr L Underhill Chairperson, Cllr A Whitworth Vice Chair, Cllr K Vardy, Cllr M Hoodless, Cllr M Robinson & C Hatch (Clerk)

1.0 Appointment of Chairman and of Vice Chairman, Election Update – Cllr Underhill confirmed she is happy to continue as Chair for the coming year, this was proposed by Cllr Whitworth and seconded by Cllr Hoodless. Cllr Whitworth confirmed she was happy to continue as Vice Chair, this was proposed by Cllr Robinson and seconded by Cllr Vardy.

2.0 Apologies for absence: None.

3.0 To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Local Government Act. – personal or prejudicial interest in any items for discussion. None.

4.0 Draft Minutes of the Meeting that was held on 11th January 2024 to be approved as the Minutes of the Meeting. Having been previously circulated the Minutes were approved unanimously.

4.1 Matters arising. The Clerk confirmed he had spoken with SKDC regarding the return of paperwork pertaining to the Village Cross, SKDC confirmed they have an electronic record of receiving information from Swinstead PC, unfortunately, there are no hard copy files in the archives, this is probably due to them being lost during the move to the new offices in Grantham.

5.0 Councillors’ and Clerk’s reports:

5.1 County and District Councillors’ Reports. Both County and District Councillors were not in attendance.

Highways. Nothing to report.

Defibrillator, Cllr Whitworth confirmed the defibrillator is in full working order.

Village Hall. Nothing to report.

6.0 Annual Governance Statement and Financial matters:

6.1 To declare Swinstead PC exempt from a Limited Assurance Review. The Clerk confirmed, due to the PC having an income of less than £25000, in was exempt from a Limited Assurance Review.

6.2 Annual Governance Statement: The Clerk presented the Annual Governance and Accountability Return which had been completed by Addition Accountancy Ltd.

6.2.1 To Resolve the Approval of the Annual Governance Statement, for publication. Having reviewed the AGAR forms the Councillors approved them unanimously. The Clerk will return the signed forms to PKF Littlejohn Accounts and publish them on the PC website.

       6.2.3 Cheques to be signed. Clerks’ salary £322.92, LALC Annual renewal £90.64. Rasells Nurseries £52.43 (Fruit Tree accessories). Rasells Nurseries £24 (Compost). Additions Accountancy £60. British Legion £51.99 (D Day lampost signs). These were agreed and signed.

  1. Planning applications:

7.1 S23/1437, Miss Hermione Miller. Change of use of agricultural land and buildings to form livery yard, construction of floodlit menage, external landscaping works, works to re-clad existing structures and other minor alterations. Park Farm Park Road. Swinstead Lincolnshire NG33 4PJ. (Circulated to PC). (SKDC Planning Grants Planning Permission)

7.2 S22/2368, Edward Smith, Conversion, partial demolition, and erection of extensions to existing barn, to form a detached residential dwelling. Land Adjacent To Macham Close, Swinstead, NG33 4QH, Full Planning Permission request. (Circulated to the PC)

7.3 S24/0320, Mr James Priestley, Section 211 Notice to remove T1 Beech; T2 Conifer; T3 and S2 Conifer and Elder scrub; T4 Acacia, April Cottage 30 High Street.Swinstead Lincolnshire NG33 4PA. (Work Allowed 26th March 2024 by SKDC Planning)

8.0 Correspondence – None.

9.0 AOB. Clerk to request quotes for materials to suppress grass and weeds around the picnic table and bench in the Jubilee Orchard

 Date of meetings for 2024/25. 11th July 2024, 7.00pm Swinstead Village Hall.

12th of September

14th November

9th January 2025

13th March 2025