November 2024
Chair: Cllr L Underhill, Vice Chair Cllr A Whitworth
Cllr K Vardy, Cllr M Hoodless, Cllr M Robinson.
Clerk: Mr C Hatch. Email:
Draft Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held
Thursday 14th November 2024, 7.00pm in the Village Hall
- Public Forum (15 minutes maximum) No members of the public attended the Forum.
- Apologies for Absence None.
- To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Local Government Act. – personal or prejudicial interest in any items for discussion. None.
- Draft Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 12th September 2024 to be approved as the Minutes. Having been previously circulated, the minutes were accepted unanimously.
- Matters Arising. Grass cutting donation for St Mary’s Church. This was discussed by the Councillors who agreed unanimously to continue with an annual donation of £350.
- Chairmans Report.
5.1 County & District Councillor’s. County and District Councillors were not in attendance.
5.2 Councillors Reports. Cllr Underhill provided her report, a copy of which is below.
Chair’s Report November 2024
Since the September meeting an SKDC poster regarding eligibility for Pension Credit and therefore also for the Winter Fuel Payment has been displayed on the Parish Council notice board.
Thank you to Councillor Robinson for taking on responsibility for the village speed sign.
Autumn and November in particular brings certain jobs that need doing within the village:
- The planters at the three village entrances get a new lease of life with fresh compost and new panolas to provide winter colour.
- Poppies are displayed on lamp posts throughout the village.
- The Remembrance Day wreath was purchased by the Parish Council and laid on the Airfield Memorial site.
- The village Christmas tree needs to be ordered well in advance of the festivities.
I would like to thank our Clerk Chris Hatch who has carried out these tasks on behalf of the Parish Council.
Also thank you in advance to Chris, Ron Hoodless and Jenny Cowan for volunteering to set up the Xmas tree on the Green when it is delivered and seeing to its’ decorations and lights.
It is with great sadness that the village learnt of the death of George Brown on the 13th of November. He will be so sorely missed by everyone who knew him – and that will virtually be the whole of Swinstead. George served on the Parish Council for many years and in the role of Chair for much of that time. George served as Chair on the Village Hall Committee in recent years whilst also acting as voluntary care-taker and legendary tender of George’s Bar. George served his village community in so many caring ways. He made time for everyone and was everyone’s friend. He was a much loved village character and there will be huge hole in the life of Swinstead now that he has gone.
- Parish Clerk report.
- Position at Bank. The Clerk provided details of the PC accounts to date, which were accepted unanimously.
- Cheques to be signed. Syston Park Xmas Tree £185.00. This was agreed and signed.
- Highways: Speed Sign. Cllr Robinson advised, the new batteries for the sign have been charged and the unit is now in situ, however, due to a technical issue, he is not able to download the required software to his computer and phone. The Clerk suggested, in the short term he continue collecting the data from the speed sign.
- Planning.
- 1 S24/1591, Mr Andrew Honeywood, Proposed removal of apple tree and replacement with smaller trees. Swinstead Cottage , 40 High Street, Swinstead, Lincolnshire, NG33 4PA, (Circulated to the PC). Subsequently Work Allowed 17th October SKDC Planning Office.
- 2 S24/1648, Mr James Priestley, Application for approval of reserved matters relating to access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale pursuant to planning permission S21/1376, April Cottage, 30 High Street, Swinstead, Lincolnshire, NG33 4PA. (Circulated to the PC).
- Correspondence: None.
10.0 Other items for discussion.
Cllr Robinson advised, used syringe and needles had been found on the pathway leading from Croak Hill Creeton Road. Needless to say, if you see any drug related paraphernalia, do not touch it, instead contact who will arrange its disposal.
The Clerk asked if one of the Councillors would take down the Poppy’s at the end of the month as he will not be available at that time. Cllr Underhill volunteered her services.
The Clerk advised the Councillors that, after seven years of acting as Parish Clerk for Swinstead, “I have decided to hang up my quill and parchment and step down as your Parish Clerk. I will continue in post up to and including the March 2025 meeting if a replacement has not been found before that time. I will of course assist the new Clerk with an orderly handover. I will advertise the post on the Parish Website and ask LALC to advertise it in their publications. If you have friends or associates you feel may be interested in the post, please ask them to contact me via the PC email I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as your Clerk and wish you all the best for the future.”
Date of next meeting
January the 9th 7.00pm at Swinstead Village Hall