July 2024


Draft Minutes of the of the Parish Council held

 Thursday 11th July 2024, 19.00pm in the Village Hall

Cllr L Underhill Chairperson, Cllr A Whitworth Vice Chair, Cllr K Vardy, Cllr M Hoodless, Cllr M Robinson & C Hatch (Clerk)

  1. Public Forum (15 minutes maximum) No residents attended the public forum.
  2. Apologies for Absence. Apologies were received from Cllr Underhill and Cllr Vardy.
  3. To receive declarations of interest. In accordance with the 2011 Local Government Act. – personal or prejudicial interest in any items for discussion. None
  4. Draft Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 9th May 2024 to be approved as the Minutes. Having been previously circulated, the minutes were approved unanimously.
    1. Matters Arising. None
  5. Completion of new DPI & Acceptance of Office Forms. The Clerk received DPI & acceptance forms from the Councillors, he will forward the new style forms the the Democracy team at SKDC.
  6. Chairmans Report.

6.1 County & District Councillor’s. Neither County nor District Councillors attended the meeting.

6.2 Councillors Reports.

Highways. (Anglian Water Supply). Cllr Robinson confirmed, the reservoir servicing our area is having a major overhaul. Cllr Robinson will draft a

letter to Anglian Water on behalf of the Parish Council, requesting information that will advise residents of progress.

Defibrillator, Cllr Whitworth confirmed the Defibrillator is in full working order.

             Village Hall. Cllr Hoodless confirmed the Village Hall have several events programmed for the year which have been advertised in the

             recent Newsletter posted to all residents.

  1. Parish Clerk report.
    1. Position at Bank. The Clerk presented the PC accounts to date, these were accepted unanimously.

7.2Cheques to be signed. Clerks’ salary £322.92. J Kirby £70, Grass Cutting. (Approved and signed)

  1. The Clerk is going to peruse the possibility of Online Banking due to the closures of so many local bank branches. This was supported by the Councillors.

       8.0 Planning:

       8.1 1S24/0900, Miss Hermione Miller, Conversion of two-storey barn (Barn B) into a 3-bed dwelling, Park Farm, Park Road, Swinstead, Lincolnshire,

              NG33 4PJ, Prior Notification Part 3 Class Q. (No representation from the PC).

  1. Village Cross & Jubilee Orchard. In Cllr Underhill’s absence, Cllr Whitworth proposed obtaining quotation to provide a new planter with replica water pump and new paving on the Village Cross. The Clerk confirmed, he has spoken with the SKDC grant funding team who are investigating funders for the project.

The Clerk confirmed, he has received a quote to provide a timber frame with liner and bark chippings to the base of the picnic table and bench sited at the Jubilee Orchard, the Councillors approved support for the project unanimously.

  1. AOB None.

Date of next meeting

     September 12th 2024, 7.00pm at Swinstead Village Hall
