Draft January


Draft Minutes of the of the Parish Council held

 Thursday 9th January 2025, 19.00pm in the Village Hall

Cllr L Underhill Chairperson, Cllr A Whitworth Vice Chair, Cllr K Vardy, Cllr M Hoodless, Cllr M Robinson & C Hatch (Clerk)

  1. Public Forum (15 minutes maximum) No residents attended the public forum.
  2. Apologies for Absence. None.
  3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Local Government Act. – personal or prejudicial interest in any items for discussion. None.
  4. Draft Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 14th November 2024 to be approved as the Minutes.
    1. Matters Arising. Cllr Underhill confirmed at the previous meeting, she would contact Mrs Ridley regarding the grass cutting donation from the PC, however, this meeting was not able to take place and will be rescheduled for another time.

      The Clerk confirmed, he had sent an email to the Clerk of Swayfield PC, advising her of the vacancy at Swinstead for a Parish Clerk, and asking if she or others would be interested in the position.

  1. Chairmans Report.

On behalf of the Parish Council I would like to thank Mrs Jenny Cowan for supplying the electricity for the Xmas tree lights during the festive season. Her donation of free energy is much appreciated.

County & District Councillor’s. County

Cllr Vernon spoke of the events in the area following the flooding of the past few days, she advised anyone who had flood water enter their home should contact Lincoln County Council, https://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/xfp/form/936 they can compete an online form enabling LCC are building a full picture of flood locations for future reference. She also advised, LCC have launched a scheme enabling individuals to dispose of tins of half used paint at Grantham Household Waste recycling centre. https://dsposal.uk/companies/lincolnshire-county-council/grantham-recycling-centre/. Individuals can then visit and help themselves to the paint.

Cllr Vernon provided a brief update on the forthcoming Mayoral and LCC elections.

5.2 Councillors Reports. None.

  1. Parish Clerk report.
    1. 1 Position at Bank. The Clerk provided a statement of the PC accounts to date. They were approved unanimously.
    2. 2 Cheques to be signed. Clerks’ salary £332.92, LALC Annual renewal £91.70. These were approved and signed.
    3. 3 Precept 2025/26. The Clerk provided a year-to-date budget to assist the Councillors with their deliberations. After discussion, the Councillors agreed not to increase the precept but to keep it the same as the previous eight years at £3363.00.
    4. 4 PC Meetings 2025/26. The Clerk advised the Councillors, due to busy lifestyles, work commitments, and light or short agendas, a number of Parish Councils have reduced the number of meetings from six to four per year. The Councillors discussed this and agreed by a majority of three to two in favour of reducing the number of meetings to four per year. The new system will start in May.
  2. Highways:

Adopt High St Phone box. Following on from the notification that BT want to decommission the Phone Box on the High Street, the Councillors have agreed to adopt the phone box once the consultation has been completed. If successful, a second defibrillator will be installed.

  1. Correspondence:
    1. An email was received from St Mary’s Church thanking the Parish Council for the donation towards the cost of maintaining the church yard.
  2.  Planning.
    1. S24/1648, Mr James Priestley, Application for approval of reserved matters relating to access, appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale pursuant.

to planning permission S21/1376, April Cottage 30 High Street Swinstead. (SKDC Planning Approves Reserved Matters. (No comments from the PC)

      10.0 Memorial Bench for Mr G Brown.

                        The PC agreed to share the cost of a memorial bench with the Village Hall. A final decision on style and cost will be made in the coming weeks.   

      11.0. Other items for discussion.

With the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council approaching, the Councillors agreed to Invite other Swinstead organisation to the meeting, letters will be sent to St Mary’s Church, Swinstead Allotment Society and others.

Cllr Underhill suggested asking for volunteers to help clear up after the flooding. The detritus has been reported via fix my street, who have confirmed action will be taken, however, due to more pressing issues in other areas, the clean up in Swinstead may take some time. The Clerk will put a request for volunteers on the village FB page with a date for the clean up to take place.

Cllr Vardy will write to the local MP regarding the large vehicles going to the quarry via Creeton Road, these include the gravel lorries and other huge transports moving equipment to and from the quarry.

The Clerk confirmed, he will remain in post until a new Clerk is forthcoming.

Date of next meeting

     March 13th, 2025, 7.00pm at Swinstead Village Hall

