Draft September 2024


Draft Minutes of the of the Parish Council held

 Thursday 12th September 2024, 7.00pm in the Village Hall

Cllr L Underhill Chairperson, Cllr A Whitworth Vice Chair, Cllr K Vardy, Cllr M Hoodless, Cllr M Robinson & C Hatch (Clerk)

  1. Public Forum (15 minutes maximum) No members of the public attended the Forum.
  2. Apologies for Absence. Apologies were received from Cllr Hoodless and Cllr Vardy.
  3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Local Government Act. – personal or prejudicial interest in any items for discussion. None.
  4. Draft Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 11th July 2024 to be approved as the Minutes. Having been previously circulated, the minutes were accepted unanimously.
  5. Matters Arising. The Clerk confirmed he had received a verbal and written explanation from Anglian Water regarding the PC request relating to Low or No Water in the village. The Clerk also confirmed that this information had been posted on the village FB page thus informing residents of the situation.

The Clerk advised the Councillors that , with the closure of so many local banks, Barclays have provided the PC with a Visa Debit card, enabling cheques to be paid into the post office. The Councillors asked the Clerk to pursue an On Line Banking facility with the bank, The Clerk to contact Barclays.

  1. Chairmans Report.

5.1 County & District Councillor’s. LCC & SKDC Councillors did not attend the meeting.

5.2 Councillors Reports.

Highways. No issues to report.

Defibrillator, Cllr Whitworth advised the defibrillator is in full working order.

Speed Sign, Cllr Robinson confirmed he has taken responsibility for the speed sign, the Clerk will carry out the hand over next week.

  1. Parish Clerk report.
    1. Position at Bank. The Clerk presented the accounts to date, these were accepted unanimously.
    2. Cheques to be signed. Clerks’ salary £322.92, Yes Electrical £213.60, Speed Sign New Batteries) J Kirby £70.00 (Grass Cutting), Wilson Landscapes £300. Hawkins & Son £240 Grass Cutting donation.
  2. Village Cross: Cllr Underhill provided quotations for the construction of a new stone planter with replica Well Pump to be sighted on the Old Well next to the Village Cross. The quotes range from £8000 to £11000. The Clerk will investigate funding with SKDC Community Funding to establish if funders are available for this project.
  3. Grass Cutting Donations: A request for a donation towards the cost of grass cutting at St Marys Church has been deferred until the November PC meeting. It was felt this should be discussed when all Councillors are present at the meeting.
  4. Planning: S24/0900, Miss Hermione Miller, Conversion of two-storey barn (Barn B) into a 3-bed dwelling, Park Farm Park Road Swinstead, (Approved Conditionally 6th September 2024 by SKDC Planning Office.)

10.0 AOB: The Clerk confirmed that the village Christmas tree has been selected and reserved, the cost to be advised. The Councillors suggested, if the cost were the same or similar to the previous year, the order should be placed.

The Clerk also provided an estimate for the cost of re-planting the village planters with a winter display of colourful panolas together with replacing a significant amount of compost due to a lack of nutrients in the existing. The cost of approximately £230 was agreed unanimously.

Date of next meeting.14th of November 2024 7.00pm at Swinstead Village Hall
